1. Pinner Shul
  2. Rabbi Kurzer's Thoughts
  3. Imagine

Once a person has decided to exercise, it makes sense to focus on what is going to work most effectively.  Just as exercise for each person might be a little different and it is of great benefit to discuss with a personal trainer, so too, exercising Emunah is something that requires us to think about what works best for us and, when possible discussing with an appropriate mentor.

However, there are certain things that work across the board and one of them is imagination.  Many Torah teachers throughout the ages, from the Rambam in the 12th century to Rav Wolbe in the 20th century, praise the power of imagination as something that builds our Emunah.

When we retell the story of the Exodus we must take time to really imagine ourselves as having been there.  At Shavuot we should visualise Mt. Sinai with flowers, cloud, thunder and lightning.  At Succot we should picture what the protection of the Almighty in the desert looked like.

Imagination is not just about the past.  Part of our belief in God is the belief that one day the wrongs of the world will be put right and we can also build our Emunah by trying to picture that.  Imagining a world where people get along, where Jews are not persecuted and where we can all flourish and fulfil our potential.

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